What to expect when 
applying for a student visa

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience. Students can broaden their minds through their education and their travel experiences. They take in new cultures, food, and art while making new friends with completely different cultural experiences.

As exciting as it is, there’s still a good amount of immigration paperwork to do before the school work begins. Every country requires international students to have a student visa before they’ll be allowed entry to study.

The student visa application process

The application process for studying abroad can be confusing because there is no single application for a student visa. Every country has its own rules, regulations, and processes.

With that in mind, if you follow the principles and guidelines of the government of the country you’ll be studying in, you should have no issues. Since this is a months-long process, you’ll want to get started as early as possible. A general rule is that you should submit your application at least two months before the start of your first semester.

Applying for the correct student visa

Most countries have different types of student visas that allow for different lengths of stay. You’ll need to figure out which type of visa you need to apply for. If you’re an international student, you will most likely need a visa with a longer term as you’ll be attending school for multiple years. If you’re just an exchange student, you’ll probably only be in the country for a short time, so apply for a visa with a shorter term. Once you know how long you’ll be staying, you can apply for the appropriate visa.

Student visa requirements

Because every country has a different application process, every country has different requirements to apply. Your destination country’s government website will list all the required documents you need. But, A Briggs can help you get a head start on that. All countries will require you to provide these documents when you apply for your study permit:

  • Passport - You must mail it in along with the rest of the documents proving that you have the means to live in that specific country for a summer, semester, or year. You will get your passport back with the visa inside. Make sure that it won’t expire during your stay.
  • Admit letter - A document printed on official letterhead from your abroad institution confirming your admission. It should also include things like tuition and room and board costs, proof of housing, etc.
  • Financial statement - Most countries require that you provide written proof that you have the financial means to support yourself while studying abroad. You also need to print this on official letterhead.
  • Language proficiency test - If you’re planning to study in a country that speaks a language different from your own, you’ll need to provide proof of verbal and written proficiency in that language. Check with your host country which language proficiency tests they accept before signing up for one.

Make sure you keep copies of all of these documents on hand as you’ll need to send the originals in as part of your application.

During the application process, you can also expect to take part in a student visa interview at the nearest immigration center, consulate, or embassy.

The visa questions will concern your finances, the reason for choosing a particular course, your educational and professional background, your plans after the degree in the intended country, possibly your family background, and your future goals. Your answers to these questions will be a large factor in whether your visa will be approved or not.

Some countries finish visa applications faster than others, so you can expect a bit of a wait before you find out whether you’ve been approved or not.

Need help with your student visa application?

The student visa application process is complicated. Students often face rejected applications due to mistakes on forms and forgetting to submit required documents. Just one mistake could turn your dream of studying abroad into a nightmare. But CIBTvisas can help. For over 50 years, we’ve been helping travelers navigate the passport and visa acquisition process to get to where they need to go. Contact us today to talk to one of our experienced immigration specialists who can start the process of applying for your student visa.

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